Developing a Mindfulness Habit


Join us for this 5-week online course (1 hour per week) and learn the art of mindfulness. This course will combine a variety of mindfulness techniques, proven to alleviate stress, enhance mood, and improve physical health symptoms, alongside the neuroscience and psychology behind habit formation and behaviour change.

Places are available at £85 +VAT per person.

This course is led by Michelle Smorfitt, mindfulness teacher, wellbeing practitioner and postgraduate research scientist.


Being mindful simply means directing your attention to your thoughts, feelings or surroundings without passing judgment about your experience. It’s about being in the moment and maintaining an attitude of openness, kindness, and curiosity. 

In this 5-week introductory (online) course, we'll practice different mindfulness techniques in each session and learn ways to develop your mindfulness practice into a new habit. This will provide a space for connection, learning and practice and will be accompanied by a personal workbook to assist in developing your new habit.

Please join us for a moment of stillness, as a rejuvenating antidote to the hectic busyness of modern life.   

Benefits include

  • Quieten your inner dialogue and self-criticism
  • Increase your focus and concentration
  • Increase control over your emotions
  • Decrease depression and anxiety
  • Rewire your brain and neural pathways to deal with stress more effectively

Dates & timing

10 Jan - 12:30 - 13:30
17 Jan - 12:30 - 13:30
24 Jan - 12:30 - 13:30
31 Jan - 12:30 - 13:30
07 Feb - 12:30 - 13:30

Course topics include

  • The principles and benefits of mindfulness
  • How mindfulness works: understanding the neuroscience behind how mindfulness leads to real and sustainable change
  • Mindfulness and the body 
  • Mindfulness and the mind 
  • Mindfulness and emotions
  • Mindfulness tools to incorporate into your working day
  • Mindfulness and gratitude
  • Sense of learning community and accountability 
  • Personal workbook, including habit tracker and reflection activities


Michelle Smorfitt is a young mindfulness leader, social worker and experienced facilitator. She uses mindfulness with refugees, children, charities and corporates. She began her mindfulness journey 5 years ago and has truly seen incredible results. She then learned about the neuroscience and behavioural science behind the adoption of new habits. She hopes to share her learning from her own practice as well as reading the literature, watching documentaries and attending courses on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness for Depression & Anxiety. She aspires to take mindfulness into all spaces to empower people to care of their own wellbeing in a simple, sustainable, and practical way.